Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the Truth in Love

Just something I put on my blog, didn't think it'd hurt to share it here too. =)

I think its time I put a little more substance back in my blog entries. I certainly don't mean to appear 'deep' and sophisticated but I feel that I should express more of myself and my faith here. This post is rather long, but I think it needs that length to express what I truly feel.

You see, I was reading the book of Ephesians in the bible recently, and its been good as there have been several things I've picked up but I wanted to share a few portions in particular that caught my eye because I guess they pricked me a bit more than the rest at the time.

First, let me put down the few parts I'll be focusing on:

Ephesians 4:2-3
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:15-16
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbour, for we are all members of one body. "In your anger do not sin.": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

Ephesians 4:29, 31 & 32
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with any form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.

Actually, just looking at it, there's plenty I can absorb or learn, but it all ties back to the title. Speak the truth in love.

For me, I'm a person that tries, to the extent of my ability to uphold what I believe to be truth, let it be joyful or hurtful. That truth then, becomes a form of knowledge, or what some people might say as information with application.

The thing is, what do we do with that piece of truth that we hold? How do we use it? Do we use it as a weapon of hate, or do we use it as a maker of peace? Many times I form opinions or perceptions about people in my mind, some of it I know to be true and I cannot help but feel like wanting to just shout and scream at them. My heart tells me, "Its fine! I mean, come on! It's true! This guy is like that! You should just give it to him"

Somehow or rather I won't, maybe because I'm afraid or I just apply that head knowledge that says, "It's just not appropriate". Nonetheless, that feeling of hate is certainly there and my head will start to go off in such a malicious direction.

There are times I feel injustice or feel angered by people, their attitude when they just aren't doing what they should. Admittedly, sometimes I just get so angry that I begin to wish for the worst of things to happen to them.

I become self righteous, overconfident in my own strengths that I fail to be humble and gentle. I forget to be patient and to bear others with love as God has done with me. I forget that the truth is to uplift, not to degrade others.

I need to learn how to speak the truth for the reason of love and not for hate, to edify and not to destroy. I really do want to have that attitude, to use the truth in love, not with malice.

This year in particular, I've had this problem with anger for one reason or another and it bugs me because I don't seem to be able to shake it off. From reading Ephesians 4:29-32, I've learnt that I need have more of a forgiving heart, to be less critical and more understanding. Kindness and compassion are two traits that I need more in my own attitudes. Even more than that, I need to rid myself of my pride and self righteousness.

I guess I've been going along the lines that truth equals justice and everyone should be punished accordingly. I still believe that each person is accountable for their actions, but what I've realised is that God is kind and merciful too.

There are plenty of times I've done wrong, but I haven't been condemned by Him. Yet, He continues to be faithful and blesses me with his mercy and grace. If God has been able to forgive me that much every time, why shouldn't I do the same for others?

Dear God, help to be more patient, to be peace loving, kind, forgiving. Help me to be more like You, to give grace, to be merciful to those who don't deserve mercy. Let me speak Your truth in Love to others so that they may be strengthened by it. I surrender my life to You, my pride, my self righteousness. Mould me into the person You want me to be so I will live in a way that pleases You.


Saturday, October 17, 2009



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cell this Friday!

Buka Puasa kat rumah cell dealer... Mana?? SS2 la..

Lepas tu.. kita tengok wayang ok? Wayang apa?? Come and ye shall find out =P

Jangan lupa bawa makanan untuk semua orang!!

Seeeee ya........

That's why la... we are Malaysian.. boleh campur here and there kan? ;)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Guess Who?

Now, we did something last Friday which was kind of cool, credit goes to Beatrice for it. So first, we had this:

Which all then turned, into this:

Guess who drew what? Tag the drawing to the respective person in the cell.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

CoUZ Nite: One Malaysia

Ok Ok.. I'm being really excited about this new settings hmm "adding authors" and I wonder how this works. Hehe! =)

Hope everyone is doing good! And it's been a while since I last blog also.

So here it is! Hehe a group picture of us, taken during CoUZ Nite! By the way, we all did well! ;)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Blog Layout!

Dearest HEARTS!

I've spent the last few hours figuring all of this over again. Haha. And I guess it is time to really revive this blog. I know I was suppose to update and re-do the layout since June. So here I am. With the new layout.

I won't say that it is very complete yet, I still want to make more changes to the blog. So do comment and remember this is OUR CELL BLOG. So everyone is part of it, and everyone have your say on this too. =)

I know the colour coordination maybe too feminine at the moment. Hehe and too flat at the moment. Nevertheless, do bear with me a little. Haha... I'm still learning all of this. As mentioned in my email, I have something in my mind, it's a little project that I've been wanting to do and this requires everyone to participate in it and to give me your contribution to make this blog livelier.

Hehe. Alright, more updates to come, as for now.. hope you enjoy the "New Blog".

Time to sleep.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm back!

Woohooo... finally my attempt to blog has succeeded. The last few times that I tried to log on failed.. sigh =[

Just a quick update, exams over way long ago and I've resumed classes two weeks ago. How quick time has passed me by. The weather has been a dread lately. As in really really bad. I'm really feeling under the weather. The haze is getting worse day by day and I've got no exception in getting my constant headaches which has lasted me through the week already and I really can't stand it.

Anyway..... I can't wait for CoUZ camp which is just around the corner!! So guys do sign up!! =] Invite your friends to come!! hehehe =P

Here's the promo video!

See you guys this Sunday!! =]


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Money, Power & Sex

I went for CoUZ on Friday night, and I am totally happy I went because it really was worthwhile. Of all people, Ps. Chew came down to speak. It's really rare of him to do so, as he himself said that somehow he only comes to share once a year with CoUZ. I thought, "Hmm, this is something interesting to come back too, haha"

What he was talking about was not the title you see in my blog post above. It is related though, but we'll go through that later. The main message was simply this:


I think any God fearing person would agree that integrity is one of the most if not the most important thing one can have. 

He shared a real life example of a girl who participated in an archery event (if I'm not mistaken, either that or shooting) in 2004 at the Sukma Games. She had already been given the gold medal but demanded a recount where it was found she only got second place. She then gave up what was not rightfully hers. 

Ps. Chew being a football fan, recalled a long time back when Robbie Fowler was at his prime for Liverpool F.C. He fell in the penalty box and the referee immediately signalled for a penalty kick to be taken. Robbie Fowler took the penalty, but he just kicked the ball far away from the goal. He had not actually been fouled.

He went on to talk about the more challenging issues that individuals face with integrity. For me, integrity is the action of doing what is right and pleasing in God's eye at any time, more so when it is inconvenient to do so. Yes, a statement that is easy to mouth out, but hard to do. Still, that is what it is. He said something that I think at least every Christian should know.

He asked us what we thought integrity was. So there were a number of people who just threw out their answers such as honesty, right and so forth. Ps. Chew said at a pastor's conference he went to, that when he asked the same question, the same answers we gave came back to him. However, for one pastor, he said, "Pastor, for me, integrity is holiness".

It just caught me right then. I heard him say that before, but to be reminded again in such fashion blew me away once more. It was such a great reminder for me, particularly when I'm starting my internship tomorrow where my faith, who I am will be truly exposed to people around.

He also brought to our attention, the three things that ultimately lead to the fall of the integrity of any person, man or woman. That's where the title comes in. He asked us to raise our hands as to which of the three did we think caused the downfall of a person's integrity and that night, plenty of hands went up for money and sex, with a few voting power.

Where do we go, what do we do as Christians as such things definitely come everybody's way at many points in life? Ps. Chew shared some of his own experiences in the past, but it all came down to this, the remedy for the loss at the expense of money, power and sex.

Crave power? Get security. The security found in who you are in God's eyes. The confidence we need, the sense of purpose is just so much more when you're secure in God. That's why, having a relationship with Him is so important. Its when you build a strong relationship, that is when you have great security in your God who is above all.

Crave money? Get contentment. This isn't just a universally known principal, its a Godly one. If you have all the parts of your body intact, enough clothes to wear, a place to stay, enough food to stay alive, enough money to get by, your life situation probably isn't so bad. God doesn't hate us having nice things, after all, he created nice things, but he doesn't want us to chase all over for that. If God can take care of the food and health of birds which are of little signficance, what more people?

Crave sex? Have discretion. Be alert, be aware of what is happening around you. Make your personal stand, and make it clear, not to compromise on boundaries that can harm you. After all, it is when one compromises that one has sustained damaged integrity. You know who you are, and if you are challenged, addicted, get help. Seek people who are trustworthy and have them help you in your situation.

God understands, God forgives, but its not a licence to let loose of His values you hold dearly. Be secure in the One you believe in. Take a stand and move forward in life with integrity. People will respect you for it. More importantly, God will honour you for it. 

Security > power | Contentment > materialism | Discretion > lust

This article can also be found at http://writingforgrowth.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Look?

Hey hearts!!! I changed some colours, hope you hearty people don't mind. :) I don't really know what colours to use, so...

Please do change the colours if any of you don't really like it. Log in and change k?

The chat box needs a change of colour too. Can someone change it? I think we need the password of the cbox to change the colour.

Anyways, this coming Friday is Couz night!! See ya'll in church at 7.30 p.m because our cell is ushering! Wohoo!!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Revive Revive!

Yee San says: Note to self... after my exams I will revive this blog with the help of Yvonne and Christon!

* Ahemmmm * Christon and Yvonne.. hehehe *hint hint* ;)