I went for CoUZ on Friday night, and I am totally happy I went because it really was worthwhile. Of all people, Ps. Chew came down to speak. It's really rare of him to do so, as he himself said that somehow he only comes to share once a year with CoUZ. I thought, "Hmm, this is something interesting to come back too, haha"
What he was talking about was not the title you see in my blog post above. It is related though, but we'll go through that later. The main message was simply this:
I think any God fearing person would agree that integrity is one of the most if not the most important thing one can have.
He shared a real life example of a girl who participated in an archery event (if I'm not mistaken, either that or shooting) in 2004 at the Sukma Games. She had already been given the gold medal but demanded a recount where it was found she only got second place. She then gave up what was not rightfully hers.
Ps. Chew being a football fan, recalled a long time back when Robbie Fowler was at his prime for Liverpool F.C. He fell in the penalty box and the referee immediately signalled for a penalty kick to be taken. Robbie Fowler took the penalty, but he just kicked the ball far away from the goal. He had not actually been fouled.
He went on to talk about the more challenging issues that individuals face with integrity. For me, integrity is the action of doing what is right and pleasing in God's eye at any time, more so when it is inconvenient to do so. Yes, a statement that is easy to mouth out, but hard to do. Still, that is what it is. He said something that I think at least every Christian should know.
He asked us what we thought integrity was. So there were a number of people who just threw out their answers such as honesty, right and so forth. Ps. Chew said at a pastor's conference he went to, that when he asked the same question, the same answers we gave came back to him. However, for one pastor, he said, "Pastor, for me, integrity is holiness".
It just caught me right then. I heard him say that before, but to be reminded again in such fashion blew me away once more. It was such a great reminder for me, particularly when I'm starting my internship tomorrow where my faith, who I am will be truly exposed to people around.
He also brought to our attention, the three things that ultimately lead to the fall of the integrity of any person, man or woman. That's where the title comes in. He asked us to raise our hands as to which of the three did we think caused the downfall of a person's integrity and that night, plenty of hands went up for money and sex, with a few voting power.
Where do we go, what do we do as Christians as such things definitely come everybody's way at many points in life? Ps. Chew shared some of his own experiences in the past, but it all came down to this, the remedy for the loss at the expense of money, power and sex.
Crave power? Get security. The security found in who you are in God's eyes. The confidence we need, the sense of purpose is just so much more when you're secure in God. That's why, having a relationship with Him is so important. Its when you build a strong relationship, that is when you have great security in your God who is above all.
Crave money? Get contentment. This isn't just a universally known principal, its a Godly one. If you have all the parts of your body intact, enough clothes to wear, a place to stay, enough food to stay alive, enough money to get by, your life situation probably isn't so bad. God doesn't hate us having nice things, after all, he created nice things, but he doesn't want us to chase all over for that. If God can take care of the food and health of birds which are of little signficance, what more people?
Crave sex? Have discretion. Be alert, be aware of what is happening around you. Make your personal stand, and make it clear, not to compromise on boundaries that can harm you. After all, it is when one compromises that one has sustained damaged integrity. You know who you are, and if you are challenged, addicted, get help. Seek people who are trustworthy and have them help you in your situation.
God understands, God forgives, but its not a licence to let loose of His values you hold dearly. Be secure in the One you believe in. Take a stand and move forward in life with integrity. People will respect you for it. More importantly, God will honour you for it.
This article can also be found at http://writingforgrowth.blogspot.com
yeah, couz nite was great. Having reminded of what integrity is was such a good thing for all of us :)
agree! :)
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